The Negatives of Halloween Candy

The Negatives of Halloween Candy

It’s one of the most dreaded times of the year for health-conscious families, the days following trick-or-treat. Your kids have come home with pillow cases full of candy that can be measured in double digits on the scale. But it doesn’t stop at home; it’s at the office, your friend’s house, at the bank, 75% off at the store, and pretty much any other place you visit.  It’s impossible to avoid, but if we want to save our waistlines and our teeth, we need to remind ourselves why candy is so bad for us.


It seems harmless. The typical size of candy handed out on Halloween is small, fun-size pieces. We tell ourselves, “Oh, just one won’t hurt.” One week later and we’ve told ourselves that enough times to eat the whole pillowcase full of candy. Though it may seem harmless, those one or two bites of your Snickers or Reese’s add up quickly. Here are some of the most popular candies along with the amount of sugar and calories in each “fun-size” package:


  • Snickers – 71 calories, 8 grams sugar
  • Kit Kats – 52 calories, 5 grams sugar
  • Twix – 50 calories, 8 grams sugar
  • Reese’s Mini – 36 calories, 3 grams sugar
  • M&M’s – 70 calories, 9 grams sugar
  • Sour Patch Kids – 120 calories, 22 grams sugar
  • Skittles – 81 calories, 15 grams sugar
  • Starburst (2 pack) – 40 calories, 6 grams sugar
  • NERDS – 50 calories, 12 grams sugar


These “little” packages pack in the sugar and calories with no nutritional value. Loads of these candies not only increase our waistline, it can also damage our teeth and send our kids into a sugar-driven energy high. Let your kids and yourself enjoy a few, but not pounds.


So what could you do to get rid of all that candy without eating it all? You could freeze it  or store it in a cool, dark place for future use. Take it out for birthday parties, holidays, and other events. You will save money down the line and also avoid eating it all at once. You could also donate it. Many local dentists offer donation or buy back services. You could donate it to the troops through Operation Gratitude. This is a great way to give back and involve your children in the process. Follow this link if you want to learn more:


Halloween doesn’t have to interfere with your healthy eating habits. With a little thought and willpower, you can find ways to re-use the candy or donate it.