One Nutrient Most Americans Lack: Fiber

The One Nutrient Most Americans Are Lacking - Fiber

I think it’s safe to say that the typical American diet, overall, is not the most nutritious. It falls short in many major food groups and essential vitamins and minerals. But, one nutrient that I see lacking time and time again is fiber.


A pitiful 5% of Americans meet the daily recommendation of 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams for men. The average intake is about 15 grams a day, far below the recommendations. The lack of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and a large amount of refined, white, processed flours are to blame. The convenience of low fiber foods like chips, crackers, breads, baked goods, and pastas contribute to a lower fiber intake as well.


Fiber is important to health which is why there is a daily recommendation. It helps control blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels, maintain a healthy digestive system, and help in weight loss to name a few. High fiber foods also contain many other beneficial vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The fiber in these foods also increases satiety which is why more fiber can help you lose weight. It will keep you full longer. 


To get enough fiber in your diet, eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes. Start your day off right with a high fiber breakfast that includes a whole grain like steel cut oats and some fruit. Snack on fresh cut vegetables like celery, broccoli, sugar snap peas, peppers, and carrots. At lunch and dinner, eat well-balanced meals that have a whole grain source like 100% whole wheat bread, brown rice, or quinoa and a vegetable serving. Bean and lentil soups, bean salads, and beans on top of your salad are another great way to boost fiber intake. Cut back on low fiber foods like refined grains (pasta, white bread, white rice, crackers, white flours) and replace them with 100% whole grain products. Small changes will have a big impact on your overall fiber intake and you will reap the benefits of a high fiber diet.