Heart Rate Zone Training with MYZONE

Have you ever been in a group class and felt yourself competing with the person next to you? It’s a natural feeling to compare yourself to others, but in fact you should be comparing yourself to the only person that matters in your fitness…YOU! Everyone has different fitness levels. The person next to you could have been doing this for years and you’re a beginner. So the same routine would require you to put in more effort. The beauty of MyZone is that it measures effort! You will be achieving MEPs (MyZone Effort Points) for the amount of effort you are putting into your workouts.

For instance, everyone’s heart rate zones are different depending on their age. To figure out your max heart rate, you take 207- (.7 x your age). So if you are a 45 year old, your maximum heart rate would be 175. Your MyZone belt would figure all that out for you which is the best part. There is no math! MyZone will then tell you if you what % of your maximum heart rate you are working at and what zone you fall into. Each zone has a different effect on your fitness outcomes. So let’s break it down…


Heart Rate Zones     

What they mean?

Blue Zone

2 MEPs/min

This is your low intensity zone. Your body is just starting to warm up. It is now supplying oxygen to your muscles and burning fat for energy. It knows something is about to happen! This is also your recovery zone. The quicker you get down to here after being in the yellow or green zone the better your heart recovers from intense exercise.

70-80% Green Zone

3 MEPs/min

This is your moderate intensity zone that improves overall conditioning of your muscles and endurance. This is the best for efficient calorie burning. You are burning a mixture of fat and glucose for energy. This is the zone that you want to spend most of your time in.

80-90% Yellow Zone

4 MEPs/min

This is your high intensity zone. Your body is starting to produce lactic acid, which is that burn in your muscles you feel. You will get into this zone during higher intensity workouts like a circuit or HIIT training. It is out of your comfort zone and improves your VO2 Max. This means that your body improves its ability to utilize oxygen to help your endurance.

90-100% Red Zone

4 MEPs/min

This is your maximum intensity zone. The benefits of this zone are the same as the yellow zone. This is as hard as your body can work and should only do this for short periods of time. Even professional athletes don’t spend an extended period of time in this zone. This also shouldn’t be reached every time you exercise. Your nervous systems and muscles need time to rest and replenish.


So ask youself, are you sure of your effort level when you are exercising? Do you know exactly how hard you are working? Is that yoga class getting your heart rate up so you are improving your endurance? Maybe so, but how do you know without being able to track it? MyZone can do that for you. If you want to find out more about MyZone, contact Kelli Mokeler at [email protected] or Heather Moore at [email protected]

MYZONE Belts can be purchased at the Cedardale Andover Front Desk.