Setting SMART Fitness Goals

imgAdding new fitness goals is always fun and exciting because there’s something new to focus on.

Adding something new means neglecting something old. Try to make SMART Training goals by re-evaluating what is a priority and perhaps you can narrow your focus to the achievable goals this month..

S.M.A.R.T Goals:

  • Specific - Who, What, Where, When and Why - Am I going to workout with a partner or maybe try a Personal Trainer? What type of workouts am I going to focus on? Will my training be inside or outside this month? What time of day will I schedule my workouts so they are a priority? Why am I working out, what’s my fitness goal?

  • Measurable - How many workouts and the amount of volume? How will I know if I accomplished my goal?

  • Attainable - Start with baby steps towards your goal.

  • Realistic - You can set your goals high, but they must be realistic.

  • Timely/Tangible - Have a time frame. Someday won’t work!

September is a great time of the year to reassess your health and wellness with 4 months left in 2018 ask yourself: What’s My Fitness Goal

Having trouble with any of the SMART objectives . . . stay tune for next week:

How to Get Started or Re-start at Cedardale with our Wellness Coach Beverly Birnbach.