Healthy Lunch - Part 1

The Power of a Healthy Lunch: Part 1 

All meals are an important part of the day, but I often find that people tend to overlook the importance of a well-balanced lunch. They may be busy at work or running around with the kids and forget to eat lunch or grab something unhealthy at the nearest takeout joint. Healthy choices may exist at these restaurants, but temptation and starvation get the best of us. The most successful people prepare ahead of time for lunch and therefore control external stimuli.


Lunch is our mid-day meal. This is the perfect opportunity to properly fuel our bodies so we can make it through the afternoon to dinner. It is especially important if you exercise in the late afternoon, after work. If you don’t properly fuel your body, you could feel tired, lethargic, and unable to concentrate during your workout. This could lead to an inefficient workout and also put you at a higher risk of injury. Lunch should perfectly fuel your evening workout so you can perform at your best and see the results you want.

What makes a healthy lunch?

A properly planned and prepped lunch can set you up for success in meeting your health goals. A well-balanced lunch will include a lean protein source like chicken, fish, turkey, or beans. It should include a quality starch or carbohydrate source like fruit, whole grains, or starchy vegetables. Half of your lunch should be made up of non-starchy vegetables like mixed greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and tomatoes. If you include all of these items, it will naturally be high in fiber and low on the glycemic index. This will help keep you feeling full longer into the afternoon and avoid the mid-afternoon slump. A meal that is low in fiber and high on the glycemic index will leave you feeling hungry and low-energy half way through the afternoon. You want to avoid this at all costs if you are going to be working out after work. Make sure you eat a quality protein, starch, and fiber at lunch and you will maximize your time at the gym.