Nutrition Tip - Why You Always Feel Hungry

Why You Always Feel Hungry

The first words that probably come to your mind when you think of “diet” are probably something like: restrictive, “fad diet,” cleanse, detox, fasting, or starvation, among many. I’m a big opponent of “diets.” Diets are meant to be temporary. They cannot be maintained for the rest of your life, which is often why you always feel hungry on a “diet.”


The most common diets tell you to restrict your calories, but often do not properly explain how to balance your diet. An unbalanced diet can lead not only to vitamin deficiencies, but it can also lead you to feel tired and hungry throughout the day. There are 3 things I often see as the cause for hunger throughout the day:

  1. Skipping meals or going too long between meals and snacks – try to avoid going more than 3-4 hours without food. The only time you should exceed that is when you are sleeping. Otherwise, it can lead to “extreme” hunger which ultimately leads to bad food choices.
  2. Lack of fiber – the typical American diet is shamefully low in fiber. Fiber does a great job of filling you up for a longer period of time leading to lower hunger levels. Eat more fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains to increase fiber intake.
  3. Lack of quality protein – this is the most important one. The importance of protein is often overlooked. Just like fiber, protein fills us up for much longer than a fast-absorbing carbohydrate source. Make it a point to have a protein source with each meal and snack.


Avoid these 3 things and you will significantly improve your hunger levels throughout the day.