Find Your Life/Work Balance

Find Your Work / Life Balance

Brittany Kelley RD, LDN

One of the biggest challenges of staying on track with a healthy lifestyle is being able to create a successful work- life balance. Let’s face it; we are all busy every single day. Whether it’s with work, taking care of kids or a dog, or commuting to and from Boston. These types of events take up a lot of our time, and too often they make our personal health take a back seat. This then leads to becoming unable to take care of one of the most important things in life; our own personal health.

 It’s incredible how easy it is at times to give up or lose motivation when we are under stress. We reach for foods that are less healthy and stop getting to the gym because we’re simply exhausted. The combination of all of these things can cause us to gain weight, decrease our confidence, and sometimes leave us feeling depressed and hopeless. So how do we break this vicious cycle?


  • Schedule “Me Time”:  You are important. Just like you would schedule a Doctor or specialist appointment, designate time for yourself to workout or do something you enjoy as this is important for both your physical and mental health. It may not be possible every single day, but workouts sometimes have to be scheduled in the same way as other important events. We may not always think we have the time, but it is imperative that we make the time. 
  • Get Creative:   Working out is not limited to just going to the gym. Exercise can take place in your work office, walking on a lunch break, or using bands and weights at home. There are so many ways to make exercise a part of your everyday routine, and they don’t have to always involve driving to a gym after work. Just remember that something is always better than nothing.
  • Make a Plan: In order to stay on top of a workout and healthy eating routine it is important to plan ahead in order to be successful. Invest in a small planner or calendar and schedule times to be active at the beginning of the week. Additionally, purchase to-go containers and a freezable lunch box that will make taking food to work easy. Likewise, this will help you reduce choosing unhealthy options in the cafeteria.
  • Replace Every Excuse with a Reason Why: It’s easy to say no to that spin class and stay home, or pull into the drive-through for a quick meal rather than taking the time to make something fresh at home. But where is that going to get you? Everytime you hear yourself thinking of a reason why not- challenge yourself and make it a reason why you can. Don’t take an unnecessary rest day and sit at home unless it is really needed. Plan ahead and bring healthy snacks with you in the car so you can easily drive right past the fast food on your way home from work. Rather than let one poor decisions lead to another, choose to break the cycle. Replace an excuse with a reason to care and succeed. You will feel 100% better every time you do.